Hester Goes Poly

I have moved my blog to a new domain. I'm still getting everything switched over. Until I get the new one up and running I wanted to post the link for anyone interested in keeping up with my poly journey. My experience with polyamorous dating is developing into a beautiful triad relationship that I will continue …

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Finding Olive

Polyamorous dating is by far the best dating experience I have ever had. So much of that is due to how absolutely fucking amazing Brian and Liz both are, both individually and their strengths as a couple with 20 years under them. The two of them have been so understanding and accommodating to me with …

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Along Came Poly

So I have always had this idea of what my future would be like. I’m talking about my ideal relationship. For me, it means waking up next to the loves of my life, two to be exact. Sure, I have tried having monogamous relationships. I have dated women and men separately and I enjoyed it …

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It’s Not Time Yet

The world looks different when you're about to lose the person you love most. The one truly good person you have ever known. It's like living in a parallel universe. Time moves too fast because you want more of it with them. You don't want them to go.  Pain seems to slow time down, drag …

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